Amadeus Review

Amadeus is a period drama from the stage play Amadeus by Shaffer’s. Amadeus was directed by Milos Dorman and written by Peter Shaffer in the year 1984. Envious of Mozart’s art, Antonio Salleri tries to kill him. The movie was made in the 18th century which setting in Vienna. Amadeus won around 40 awards during its time.

Salieri confesses to a priest about killing Mozart. His jealousy leads to him a stage where Mozart dies. In between Mozart is pressurized by Salleri and is fooled by him. Mozart’s father die and their family condition worsens even more. His wealth is at stake and his music, a god gift is his powerful source Coming to Vienna, Salleri secretly observes Mozart’s music at Archbishop’s palace. Mozart is introduced to ‘March of welcome’ on which he works hard and improvises it. This lead to The marriage of Figaro opera in 1786. Later on, when Salieri observes Mozart’s family problems he takes this as a chance to bring him down. He gets exhausted working between two pieces. During the performance of The magic flute Mozart collapses and he is pressurized by Salieri more. Being unable to take this massive load, Mozart dies and the Requiem is left unwritten.



John Strauss the sound composer of Amadeus won an award for the best sound editing. The sound track of this movie made almost everyone see the movie. The environment set in the movie is apt right from costumes to the set design. The film has only some of Salieri’s work and Mozart’s in major. Mozart’s artwork remained unchanged. Amadeus is mainly known for its operas. Everytime a new one comes, it gets you more excited to see it because they have been edited in such a manner.

List of operas played in the movie.

Symphony No. 25 in G minor, K. 183,

Serenade for Winds, K. 361

The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384,

Symphony No. 29 in A, K. 201

Piano Concerto No. 10 for Two Pianos in E-flat, K. 365

Symphonie Concertante, K. 364,

Piano Concerto in E-flat, K. 482

The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492,

Don Giovanni, K. 527

Requiem, K. 626,

Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466.

Psycho review for Cinematography

The master of film making, Alfred Hitchcock proved himself a genius, yet again after the release of his film Psycho. First screening being done in New York this movie rocked at the box office and earned money more than the making.  The suspense this movie carries throughout the end of it. It is marvelous and you will be shocked to know how it ends. This movie broke all the barriers for the upcoming films in Hollywood wherein the outlook towards the society changed. The movie went through much criticism but yet was a block buster at the box office.

Psycho is a movie of 1960 starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, and Janet Leigh. Psycho is thriller movie and would definitely thrill you in every manner. The sound of this movie is so engrossing that it builds up more curiosity with each scene that comes.  In the movie, Marion Crane escapes with the money she steals from the employer. She moves ahead with it in her car. After reaching a motel where Norman Bates is seen, the entire movie takes a toll.

As the movie begins, the entire city is captured along with the name Phoenix, Arizona and the date. It’s a wide shot which later on zooms inside a room where a couple is making love which gives a feeling of spying and due to sound excites the audience more. The focus is mainly on Marion. The entire room is shown initially and then the attention goes to the character. The shots being medium shots manage to express the message to the audience. In the 1960’s, Americans found it a little vague to sleep with someone before marriage but the beginning of the movie has a complete different perception.

Next, once she steals the money and goes back to her apartment to pack, the camera zooms in and takes the close up of the money and bag with intriguing music. The music brings in a lot of tension and we would want to know what’s next every single minute. Her face in the entire shot shows a clueless expression in the end she decides to take the money and run away. While she drives the car, she is thinking continuously without blinking her eyes. This shot grabs her expression and is a medium close up shot. As she moves ahead, a wide shot is seen with the city and her car. Her face comes into the picture again having a close up.

She is found suspicious in between which leads her to exchange her car so that she isn’t found. She forgets her way and ends up at Bates Motel. Norman and Marion have a conversation and once she leaves for her room, Norman looks at her through the peephole and extreme close up shot is taken of his eyes while he is looking at her.

The shower scene is the vital part of the film wherein the suspense of the movie is revealed. This shot was taken for continuously three days from 77 cameras shooting from different angles. The shots are medium shots but mostly are extreme close ups. The zoomed in shots give a more catchy effect than the wide angle. In the end, the extreme close up of the hole is taken which leads to the eyes and then the face of Marion. The sound while the murder happens, the blood dropping, killing with the knife every single thing has added to this scene. It clearly shows violence and destruction.


The final scene is where Norman is sent behind the bar for all the murders that took place shows how he has grasped his mother’s personality. After the murder, he kept the dead body with him to feel that she was still alive.  The shots are mid shots which keep zooming onto his face. His changing expressions according to his thought define the scene well. The voice in the head says “She won’t even harm a fly” that’s when a high angle of shot is taken of the fly.

The movie ends with the car coming out of trash which is a wide shot.


Psycho changed outlook of how people and society observes this kind of behavior. In spite of facing so many controversies the movie overcame all the negativities, was chosen for the academy awards and the movie won too.

Modern times- Production Design

If your day hasn’t started well and you are feeling blue at this hour, Modern times is a movie for you. Modern times is an old movie directed by our favorite comedian Charlie Chaplin. The surprising part is the movie is directed, produced, written and enacted by Charlie Chaplin. Modern times is a movie of 1936. A comedy filled entertainment movie which has just actions and no sound. The character of little tramp in the movie is always troubled with his job. He is a factory worker and while at work he is troubled due to the machinery that come for a test. Saying that it is practical, it still turns out to be something else. Due to this, Little tramp faces a nervous breakdown. He is sent to the hospital and with each day he keeps facing problems till he meets Gamin. Gamin and Chaplin escape from the jail and end up at  a place. Inspite of facing so many tragedies, in the end Chaplin convinces Gamin and makes her smile by saying “Buck up never say die. We will get along” Chaplin struggles to settle in this modern industrialization but he fails and many accidents keep happening.

The movie begins herds of sheeps running and at the same time people going to work depicting how they all have become slaves of these machineries. The production and set looks complicated but all of this isn’t real and its made up. If movie had the noise it would lose the charm and hence chaplin decided to make it a silent comedy film. The beginning shows the factory set up and how the machineries work. The funniest scene is when another set of machine is tested on Chaplin. As it’s a mid shot, every single thing is visible. The parts are purposely kept on a little more speed duration that it appears quick so that it adds to the element of it being fun.




Gamin in her part is seen hungry and she cuts bananas to feed her family. The set of her house shows she belongs to lower class and doesn’t have money. The house, her clothes everything around aligns with the scenes. After the bail, Chaplin sits beside a lady who looks sophisticated. Every little aspect her cat, costume specs shows her attitude. Chaplin gets a new job later on where again due to mishaps he is fired. The movie is black and white yet everything is clear. His new work is of labor, in the background there is a huge boat and wooden sticks around. When chaplin gets a job at a store, he locks in the manager. He takes gamin with her. Behind you will notice the entire set up of things to eat and drink. There is a moving staircase long side. Up on the fourth floor is a toy store with tons of toys.




Yet again he arrives to the jail and after his bail, Gamin asks him to work. They both end up working in a restaurant. The restaurant has a middle centre where Charlie performs and on both the sides there are tables and behind there is a band playing. The top part has small chandeliers hanging. He performs and everyone present is impressed. The final scene shows them being together and walking on a silent road. The entire movie is shot without dialogues even then the  has reached hearts of many people. Eyes filled with joy by tramp.

Modern Times


Modern Times