See Through Desire

Tonight, lying down and looking at the ceiling, I wonder, the most meaningful thing in my life that’s when I became nostalgic and went back in time.

2 years ago…

In 2012, the idea of making a tattoo fascinated me.  When this thought hit my head I started jotting down things that held certain importance in my life. I was a firm believer of the law of attraction and angel therapy. I had decided I have to get one after my birthday. It was an apt call for me as I didn’t care what was next. After looking at more than 1000 images I decided to make a sword angel. Appointment was fixed and it was time. I wasn’t nervous or scared. I knew I had to go through the pain but it was for a while. Due to some reason the idea of making an angel didn’t really happen. I still had hopes and I decided to convince my mom about it ( what you think you receive- the secret). She didn’t deny and I thought may be its not the right time to make an angel. That’s when I thought why not make something that describes me the most. I am a typical Taurean and I have tendency to judge people according to their zodiac signs. I made a final call, fixed my appointment. Decision was made and it was a bull. Within no time it was done and I didn’t even feel the needle being pressed on my body.

The reason why I decided to make a bull is because I am too stubborn but at the same time warm hearted. My tattoo is on my nape as it’s not to flaunt but it’s for my own sake. This tattoo holds too much gist and even today it reminds me of who I am.

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