
Millions of years ago, Art and fashion were invented by humans who weren’t at all like us. The kind of life we all are living today wasn’t the same back then. Let’s rewind a little…

People of stone age time with the help o their tools hunted them and made garments for them to survive all the weathers.

There are different reasons to cave paintings done by them . it is believed that they were either done to kill boredom or to remember the timings of the arrival of the animals. The beauty they got in their art is still alive today and is one the most appreciated art everywhere.



What is art and fashion? Art is where a person is expressive of thoughts and fashion is a personal identity. Art and fashion both have moved ahead with time. When compared to the ancient times, the modernized version are completely incomparable. It’s fascinating how they are growing throughout the coming years.

Let’s take an example of humans in stone age time. They hunted the animal skin of leopard and wore it as a garment to cover themselves and now due to so much advancement in Fashion you will  find leopard printed printed clothes, accessories, shoes etc.  everywhere across the globe. Its inspired from the pre historic times. If this wouldn’t have taken place, I think we all would have been still walking  around naked.


Art from every artist is not alike. They all have their own perceptions and views towards what they want to portray. Its their passion and they are strong emotions connected to it. Fashion is always inspired with what a person must have been through and that shows in their garments. They way it is made there is always a reason behind it. As time passed, people became more innovative and sophisticated.

Art and fashion are now going simultaneously. Some designers are inspired by some of the artist  and are now bringing art into Fashion. Certain designers collaborate with artists so as to portray it in their designs.


Karl Lagerfeld envisioned Chanel’s spring runway as one great big art exhibition.Chanel

Muccia Prada at her show in Milan commissioned some artists to design murals for her catwalk. In 1937, Elsa Schiaparelli designed a lobster print gown and this was inspired by Salvador Dali.  Marc Jacobs has worked with artists like Takashi Murakami on accessories for Louis Vuitton.


lobster printed Gown.

“Artists have emerged as brands in themselves. In a way, fashion has made art more fashionable,”  said by Ms.Kubler.  The attention they grabbed by the audience was much more comparatively. The collaboration with the artists  is expanding their profiles too.


A colorful embellished dress from Prada emulates the work of Bogotá-based mural artist Stinkfish.Stinkfish (mural)


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