Art And Fashion Of Pre-Historic Times

When we look back in time, art and fashion have been with us for millions of years now.  In spite of them being different somewhere they have always been interlinked or connected to each other. In today’s time , I believe they go simultaneously

When we say pre historic it’s the time period when there were no designers. Humans of stone age period just by brain storming made all this possible to protect themselves.

Pre historic art.

The pre historic people depicted themselves through visual images on walls. These people came up with realism in their cave paintings. In Europe and Africa, early works of art depict animals such as bison, elephants, giraffe, horses etc. they also sculpted the tusks of mammoth. Drawings like maps and landscapes appeared along with animals and human figures.


Some animals are restricted while some are portrayed more often. In Africa and Europe half human and half animal are shown occasionally. The colors used were produced from ochre, manganese dioxide and charcoal. The pre historic humans loved to paint animals. Not only animals but handprints were also found later on.They were mostly left hands and were of female. In Europe, the animals most often depicted were horses, bison, mammoth, reindeer, aurochs, wild boar, fish, eels, birds, and other animals valued for food and raw materials such as fur, leather, antlers, and ivory. In abstract art the symbols were repetitive. E.g.- dots and notches. In Africa, the oldest known pottery has been found in Egypt at Merimda and then Faiyum (fifth millennium dc), whereas in southern Europe, it dates from the seventh millennium.


The period between 30,000 B.C to 20,000 B.C is noted for images of women. Venuses are made with limestone and tinted with red ochre. The venuses have swollen belly and breasts suggesting connection to fertility. Arms behind breasts and face covered with plaited hair. They are considered as mother goddess.


Pre Historic Fashion

Talking about fashion, it became into existence in 200,000  B.C.E to about 30,000 B.C.E. The first known humans to make clothing were Neanderthal man. They had to survive all the weathers and so with the help of their effective tools such as spears and axes they hunted mammoth, bears, deers, musk etc.


They learnt how to keep themselves warm and hence clothing was born. It was believed the earl humans cut the hides making holes for the different parts of their bodies. The first piece made by them was the tunic which was made from the animal hide. The garment was made length lay on the shoulders and tightened with belt or a tie. Needles came into existence later on which were made of silvers of animal bone. There were more advances later on. To cover their legs, they started sewing leggings to cover their legs and coats of fur  to cover their bodies.


They learnt how to keep themselves warm and hence clothing was born. It was believed the earl humans cut the hides making holes for the different parts of their bodies. The first piece made by them was the tunic which was made from the animal hide. The garment was made length lay on the shoulders and tightened with belt or a tie. Needles came into existence later on which were made of silvers of animal bone. There were more advances later on. To cover their legs, they started sewing leggings to cover their legs and coats of fur  to cover their bodies.

Pre Historic art in Egypt

The Egyptians depicted human bodies in proper proportions. They showed each part accurately without making it look weird. The way of depicting human body never changed for the Egyptians since 2700 years. They used grids to make each body proportionate.


Pre historic Fashion in Egypt

In Egypt, light clothing was favored from plant fibers, linen. Occasionally cotton was used. Animal skin of leopard were worn by priests. There was usage of feathers also. The manufacturing of clothes was apparently women’s work. Lined was produced from flax. The tools used such as knives and needles changed over the centuries and blades came into existence and later on scissors. The robes worn by both the sexes were called kalasaris and the choice was always linen. The dresses worn by women were with beads and the breasts were covered. Shawls were sometimes worn during the new kingdom. The Egyptians were also fond of jewelry. They wore rings and amulets to ward off the evil spirits and injury. Sometimes the jewelry was made of gold and silver and for poorer people it was made of copper.


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